
Kristi Lazar Cantrell, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry and Pre-Health Adviser
(805) 565-6175

Office Location

Whittier Science 213 (inside WS 216)

Office Available

SPRING 2025 
Dr. Cantrell is on sabbatical for one semester.




Research Interests
  • Biophysical chemistry
  • Peptide synthesis
  • Protein aggregation and disease

Dr. Cantrell grew up in Visalia, Calif., and graduated from Westmont College (B.S., chemistry), Princeton University (M.S., chemistry) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D., chemistry). She undertook two years of postdoctoral research at Genentech Inc., a biotechnology company, before returning to Westmont. Her research focus involves protein aggregation, including alpha-helical and beta-sheet fibril assembly. She serves on the executive council in the Los Padres section of the American Chemical Society (ACS). She is also the pre-health advisor at Westmont. Dr. Cantrell and her husband, Shane, enjoy spending time with family and exploring Santa Barbara. They keep busy with their delightful little girl.